❖ ❖ vanilla fruit grass as dry water | cold soak accompanying group

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ブランドについて ショップへ

❖ ❖ vanilla fruit grass as dry water | cold soak accompanying group - ドライフルーツ - 食材 グリーン


░ environmental accompanying cup double after the sale announcement ░ Thank you for your support and love Environmental accompanying double cup has been fully sold out Limited consideration to the original accompanying cup material degree heat The next is expected to launch environmental accompanying cup glass Currently in design phase And together we look forward to the birth of a new product - ============= "Yun Free Description" ============= * Shop Take: If you want to shop for grass pick up, please inform message on order with us We will provide free transport promotional code, enter it to confirm when finished store take time after checkout * Taiwan: Free transport over NT $ 1,000, the system will automatically set into operation for Free * Hong Kong and Macao: Free transport over NT $ 4,800, but after using it in the next single message to let us know We will provide a promotional code and enter the promotional code provided to us at the time of checkout If irregularities we will cancel the order * International Forwarding Services: If you want to purchase multiple stores simultaneously pinkoi design products And want to save on shipping, please refer https://www.pinkoi.com/faq/tranship?question * Met general holidays and national holidays, are unable to ship If gifts or relatively urgent need to set aside time on their own trouble Hello ~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: Design Origin | Originally grass for water supply store, in order to allow everyone to experience the flavor and added vanilla and add the vanilla and fruit, a hint of natural flavor unexpected accident so many guests prefer not love to drink water, children become great friends like flavor. Also received a hope that their home, sports, travel, office, commuting can drink message. Now, we will be fresh fruit with low-temperature baked into a semi-dry fruit slices, then the proportion of self-made formulations planted vanilla vanilla dried fruit, added to the water can easily make vanilla and fruit aromas and release, so we do not have to store You can also experience the fresh and natural parts anytime, anywhere. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: **░ vanilla fruit dry water | cold soak accompanying group** Still hesitant to pick what flavor of vanilla dried fruit water go? "Limited taste classic taste +" So once you will be able to taste! With the green grass as the accompanying cup double Whether at work or day outing day Good partners can become the best of your life! Who says eating ice refreshing summer only! It turned out to be water permeable so cool ~ ~ ~ heart Together with grass for riding the breeze, your heart will relax! https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-2ZcWWiIi9Xk/VzKbBowwUwI/AAAAAAAACJA/Bmd__JE6PBEhSzu6pDGJMS13KMap5br9gCL0B/w1650-h1100-no/A1.jpg https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-CR6S_MFq-as/Vyd3S2fdeDI/AAAAAAAACG8/EmqaRzUj98ED3xyxUGDW8M_bgeSiKikRwCL0B/w1650-h1100-no/B2.jpg https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-rM2IgKqpgjc/VzKbBkHwDRI/AAAAAAAACJY/jbAhFtLG_2gzbbg_u_oZttRiMA3BYDthQCL0B/w1650-h1100-no/A3.jpg **░ cool summer accompanying cold soak defined group | content comprises** 1 box vanilla fruit dry water (3 bag + classic taste basil Roselle taste 2 packages) Environmental accompanying double cup 1 **░ tastes introduction** https://www.pinkoi.com/product/1N5nlt7P https://www.pinkoi.com/product/j7aeBBbX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne3XnSpPoqU **░ after drinking, then want to repurchase** https://www.pinkoi.com/product/NzhqD7S0?category=10 **░ with purchase** https://www.pinkoi.com/product/4FSedJJs?category=9 **░ way to drink** https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-_Br_jbRPQjA/V1Wdb9R1-QI/AAAAAAAACNY/GlvJNvi8mLIMeUWNlZmoWes9Xpy4IuueQCL0B/w1644-h1096-no/Pinkoi%2Bherbal%2Bwater%25E6%25AD%25A5%25E9%25A9%259F_new.jpg **░ specifications** Each package of dried fruit about 7g, 5 into the box __Dried fruit flavors random shipments, to taste please specify when ordering remarks__ Environmental accompanied cup double Lid: PP 5 number, cup body: Other PC 7, Capacity: 480c.c **░ save mode** In a dry cool place, it is recommended to drink is completed within one month **░ Origin / manufacturing methods** Taiwan / handmade Qualified by SGS inspection pesticide 310


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  • 合計販売点数:838点
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