"Grass for" Monkey holding orange New Year gift Soon (1/22 shipments)

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"Grass for" Monkey holding orange New Year gift Soon (1/22 shipments) - お茶 - 寄せ植え・花 グリーン


:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: **░ grass as** Grass for Grassphere | vanilla drink drinking light maintenance A chance encounter, let us at the same time in the city's rooftops planted Understanding the European herb - vanilla, aroma therapy was deeply attracted to the more vanilla Because of busy modern life, resulting in a variety of different pressures and distress We have a fine selection of fresh herbs combined organic raw materials tea light maintenance With no way to add the benefits of herbs into daily life :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: **░ Monkey holding orange New Year gift** Each year, every year we have a little change Always try to give up something significant or pick up In the Lunar New Year, with the closest family and friends Together around the fire, sharing the warmth is not a trivial simple happiness Total buried discourse mind, this time to make herbal tea to pass through the hands! https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-tcaklgMBh5I/Vo_m82Ch-ZI/AAAAAAAABxw/Ff-XhXNGqdQ/w1650-h1100-no/B1.jpg To calm the black backdrop orange warm Handheld orange Golden Monkey, rejoice Look forward to the new year brings news and good luck https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-9iupxbjTtXw/Vo_m8qEM-_I/AAAAAAAABxk/TcUn0ZfaNtU/w1650-h1100-no/B2.jpg New Year blessing limited to vanilla tea bags Inverted word blessing tea standard, in every sip time, talk warmth https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-QV86IuU9Dyc/Vo_m8oI3eCI/AAAAAAAABx0/atVgOJckGlU/w1650-h1100-no/B3.jpg From me to you deep intimate discourse hearts ... Who want to convey to the distant? * Intimate small reminder We have to write the card service - Please leave a message to tell us you want to say! Because card size relations, Wen long Recommendation 30 words or less **░ Monkey holding orange New Year gift specifications** Boxes containing light maintenance vanilla drink | tea ceremony 2 boxes (2.5g ± 0.5g / pcs, a box of 6 in) Light maintenance vanilla drink | tea ceremony, there are two combinations to choose from (please use the drop-down menu to choose) Option 1: Chung Xiafen Fu Tea + EBARA Hong Yang Qi tea Option 2: Chung Yun Xiafen Fu Tea + balsam tea https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-sJJADb1aZDU/Vo_m9pVyldI/AAAAAAAAByE/eYgn__ilxw8/w1650-h1100-no/B4.jpg https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-KEhov73FCag/Vo_m9i_L_AI/AAAAAAAAByA/utfB6H4TF34/w1650-h1100-no/B5.jpg ░ secondary Xiafen Fu tea Marigold Comfort Tea Aromatic Marigold Marigold | calm Comfort Natural aroma of tropical fruit from the aroma of marigold Drink after the mouth full of rich fruit Work irritability, drink cozy calm when upset * Natural herb tea, decaffeinated https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-YoTRjJLfGj4/Vol0qVJUE2I/AAAAAAAABtI/HXffaaa8_QA/w1650-h1100-no/B1.jpg ░ balm tea Lemon Balm Green Tea rhyme Melissa Lemon Balm | Fresh solution tired Best drink eating family choice to the oil solution tired easily without the burden Compound herbs and organic green tea Melissa faint fragrance of sweet lemon flavor Road After greasy meals Cup of natural tea oil cut balsam rhyme is but the best * This paragraph substrate is organic tea, green tea, contained traces of caffeine https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Gbh4nuqfYB4/Vol0vScwg7I/AAAAAAAABto/CnzueNztvoc/w1650-h1100-no/B1.jpg ░ EBARA Hong Yang Qi tea Natural Energy Herbal Tea Acanthopanax Manyprickle Acathopanax Root | vitality Energy Qi Acanthopanax refreshing incarnation European herb tea Mint and sweet orange and bitter taste Acanthopanax Nourishing repair, routine maintenance will begin in tea * Natural herb tea, decaffeinated https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-8APJXvhZXKw/Vol0x9B0_aI/AAAAAAAABt4/UZEDavqfVPw/w1650-h1100-no/B1.jpg **░ save mode** Placed in a cool dry place, recommended to drink finished within three months **░ origin / manufacturing methods** Taiwan / handmade


  • チェックされた回数 6,885回
  • 合計販売点数:12点
  • 15 人がお気に入り登録


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