❖ ❖ vanilla scented grass for seven into a single product (beauty chrysanthemum tea)

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❖ ❖ vanilla scented grass for seven into a single product (beauty chrysanthemum tea) - お茶 - 食材 オレンジ


https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-lImMn4GbrUg/V67YS1vVC_I/AAAAAAAACqE/Kq7_-2MukpM-nYUHOiU2KEa6miahq_KOACL0B/w1644-h1096-no/01.jpg ============= Beauty chrysanthemum tea flavors introduced ============= Small yellow flowers bloom in late autumn, marigold blade distributing strong fruity, combined with Oriental Beauty Tea Chrysanthemum yellow warmth and approximate wild ginger grass, mint flavor Pick through fresh herbs, in combination with the organic tea flowers, belonging to Taiwan to pass the taste https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Mv5DjfVfrgw/V7Qw1yXazLI/AAAAAAAACt8/eazLg4KTws8Lbrmkh6JSPXQ9d0u50wf5QCL0B/w1644-h1096-no/%25E6%259D%25AD%25E8%258F%258A.jpg https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-K40OeHavxPM/V7Qw27in5rI/AAAAAAAACt8/wkVI_ObAb6sn_SS7ZfVVSgETGputeGeGgCL0B/w1914-h638-no/%25E9%25A3%25B2%25E7%2594%25A8%25E6%2596%25B9%25E5%25BC%258F_%25E9%25A6%2599%25E8%258D%2589%25E8%258A%25B1%25E8%258C%25B6.jpg Introduction ================ =============== raw materials From home-grown fresh herbs of view, we can expect the appearance of life with a new form of binding and presented to you. Based on this idea, we chose the "fragrant marigold" The rich tropical fruit flavor of vanilla, also riding to find the origin of the process, the selection of the organic material from different regions of Taiwan, including Chrysanthemum from Miaoli gong Nantou Puli rose petals and osmanthus mountain Mucha Tieguanyin, Roselle Taitung, Yilan Sanxing oolong tea, etc., try a different way with taste, but also the raw materials go back to understand each farm friends for life the idea of planting methods and processes and the like. Under importance of raw materials and processing safety ideas, and ultimately developed a "beauty chrysanthemum tea" **Introduction of raw materials | chrysanthemum** Autumn and winter, green and white staggered Hanada, such as snowball-like chrysanthemum in green leaves look cute Gong from Miaoli, using non-toxic cultivation, the tea taste glycol sweet, soothing **Introduction of raw materials | Oriental Beauty Tea** Tea buds, and leafhopper bite bite, cutting out the unique fruity flavor Amber tea, glycol easy to read, non-toxic cultivation, cold-hot bubble are appropriate **Introduction of raw materials | aromatic marigold** Qiumodongchu yellow flower field, like opposite Yecheng Yu Unique rich fruity flavor and impressive https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-uHq_4BuqGkw/V7JMNP7Nx8I/AAAAAAAACr4/ayr_fSG0jssGf4qqR8VvaIzGx9Z63W38QCL0B/w1644-h1096-no/%25E6%259D%25AD%25E8%258F%258A.jpg ============== ============== Packaging design ideas On the convenience considerations, we have ideas and vanilla tea bags to maintain the same form, the tea bag coated in tea bags, but in the development process was watching from planting herbs, organic integration of Taiwan tea with flowers, red when soaked in water blooming appearance, want all kinds of wonderful material in the brewing process are presented, therefore remain loose tea form on the packaging, while still maintaining a low profile on the box simple sense of transparency, as our favorite faces life in general. =============== ================ With purchase https://www.pinkoi.com/product/4FSedJJs?category=9 (❖小草作❖周邊商品|隨身冷泡瓶) https://www.pinkoi.com/product/2XN46MRd?category=8 (❖小草作❖周邊商品|手提紙袋及禮卡代寫服務) In addition to the development of taste, but also from our packaging design for future life of imagination, because I wanted to try in their own way to reduce all kinds of packaging materials usage so it can also develop a shared environmental group, if you also support the concept may wish to refer a look at our environmental group https://www.pinkoi.com/product/PV8YyzDZ?category=10 (❖小草作❖香草花茶|環保分享組) **░ origin** Made in Taiwan Qualified by SGS inspection pesticide 310 **░ Specifications** Tea bags per pack of about 2.5g, 7 in / Box **░ save mode** Placed in dry shade, and suggested that drinking was completed in seven months Our idea =============== =============== Grass is a tea shop for trafficking us peace of mind to all kinds of raw materials experimental design all kinds of tea Hoping for some peace of mind for everyone to create natural tea time. Growing herbs in the process of good fortune to meet a lot of hard work in high-quality farm land Therefore, there will be a self-planted vanilla as the base, combined with characteristics of Taiwan tea floral design ideas "Herb X Chinese Tea Series" was born We look forward to healing herbs served with soft floral aroma Accompany us through life quiet relaxation tea time =============== Reassuring Declaration ================ In addition to taste, we are more concerned each feedstock used For tea, we added a lot of imagination and develop new design and development process is like an experiment. Starting from their own cultivation of vanilla crops, the production of ideas to find similar raw materials, and sometimes need to go to Nantou tea area, or Miaoli Tanabe, only to find reassuring raw materials, process, we know many farmers who, on the one hand to listen share their own life experiences and planting, as well as the idea of how to feed with home-grown herbs in combination to create can convey their ideas but also to meet everyone's taste buds vanilla tea, to let you feel at ease in the most simple way enjoy some fresh and natural tea time. ☑ feel at ease using non-toxic materials, and by SGS310 pesticide residue test ☑ no coloring preservatives added, so that you feel at ease eating ☑ Taiwan manufactured and packaged by hand =============== ================ News ⌦ television interview · TVBS step at a time to discover new Taiwan (2016.09.24) | herbal tea from the roof <grass for> · ⺠ television news (2016.07.16) | top students graduating roof farm farming business · Next Media Animation (2016.08.14) | IG Korean girl being pushed like mad ram popular dried fruit water ⌦ magazine press reports · Vogue (August issue) | Shing contained Beautiful secret with the king of flowers rose from the inside out beautiful skin care · Belle Lennon Lennon Magazine (June issue) | Taipei Rediscovery · Hong Kong Economic Times (2016.10.11) open-grown herbs for tea grass · FINANCE Apple Daily Edition (2016.07.13) | roof farms to grow herbs can be bought only healing * Liberty Times LifeStyle Edition (2016.09.05) | healthy and environmentally friendly water accompanying fashionable people fall in love with seconds ⌦ online magazine reported | · Mith stylish fun to play (2016.08.22) | embrace the lazy - grass for X Tea Shop · Taipei na Bldg (2016.08.12) | Taipei Bldg Hikaru の で い self cultivation shi te ru ni Tong Green Haas ー bu more shi ma re ta ka fu ェ で の お tea shi te ma se mi-san ka? · POPBEE (2016.08.28_ | nice mind Drink: When the fruit skin care brand meets the water, is a new model of health and beauty!


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